This Friday (on January 24th) is John Belushi’s birthday. The comedic actor/musician would’ve been 76 if he had lived...but noooo, he died way back in 1982.
I always enjoyed his work and so in honor of his birth date, there’s over a half a dozen John Belushi links for your clicking pleasure.
And below that are some coming attractions for next week here on MBIP!
Sunday Links
John Belushi Official Website.- This is the official John Belushi website.
John Belushi Biography - This is a detailed and all inclusive biography of the life and death of John Belushi.
'Saturday Night Live': All 141 Cast Members Ranked
John Belushi became famous on Saturday Night LIve in the late ‘70s and in 2016, Rolling Stone ranked him as the top performer ever to have been part of the SNL cast.
15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About 'Animal House'
I think we all know John Belushi fact number 7 and number 13 is no surprise and it’s still impressive he could chug that much tea in one take!
Outrageous Facts About John Belushi, The Tragic Funnyman - Here’s 40 interesting facts about John Belushi, I wouldn’t say that all of them are “outrageous” but interesting none the less.
Bill Murray wrote a lovingly mean eulogy for John Belushi
Bill Murray’s eulogy to Belushi ended up in his movie, “The Razor’s Edge.
“Don’t Look Back In Anger”
He was a dancer!
MBIP Coming Attractions
Monday: I went out for my Saturday night dinner at The Untamed Chef with my friend Nancie. We had a delicious dinner and the stuffed mushrooms were the best I’ve ever had!
Tuesday: We start out our 11 week rib eating tour at one of my favorite barbecue destinations, Blue Duck BBQ! I went there with my friend Terry Grawey and his grandson, Connor. It was a wonderful start to this new food tour and you can read all about it on Tuesday!
Wednesday: I’m going to reveal the winner of the MBIP Coin Guessing Contest on Wedensday, so stay tuned for that!
Thursday: We’re going to have another Thursday Blog Buffet this week, so get ready for that!
Friday: Friday means another weekly snack attack and this week I think we’re hitting Walgreen’s for some misspelled snacks, but don’t tell anyone!
Saturday: We’ll be looking backwards at another Meanwhile, Back In Peoria’s Past post!
Sunday Comic
Related Posts: Sunday Links: 365 Bars, Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift For You and A Charlie Brown Christmas.