The MBIP Weekly Update! — February 4th, 2022 —


Until I can get situated in a new place with a computer (I’m using a laptop that has limited functions) I thought I’d start putting up a weekly review of what’s happening over here in MBIP-land.

I appreciate everyone’s  support and kind words since the fire went down a week ago last Friday.

So this week has been endless phone calls with insurance agents and adjusters, property managers and maintenance people.

I’m still staying with my brother Tom, who’s been a big help to me while I’m trying to sort all of this out.

It looks like I’ll be staying in a hotel soon which will be the new MBIP Temporary World Headquarters. My renter’s insurance will be paying for a good chunk of that, so for all of you people that rent out there, GET RENTER’S INSURANCE!

I was able to finally get into my apartment and it looks like a bomb went off in there. Miraculously most of my pictures, books and collectibles weren’t damaged.

My couch, coffee table, end tables, boom box, bed and desk are destroyed, but they can be replaced and my rental insurance budget will cover the cost of replacing them with new ones.

My insurance is providing a company that will move all of my stuff that isn’t destroyed, clean them and get the smoke smell out of them.

It’s been one week since the shit went down and I’ve spent hours on the phone every day, but I’m starting to see progress. The reason there’s no pictures here is because my computer is ruined and I don’t have Photoshop on my laptop.

I’m hoping that the MBIP blog will be up and running in about three weeks. You’ll be able to see photos from the fire-damaged apartment and I’ll be doing a blog on the new MBIP Temporary World Headquarters among other things.

I really want to thank all of you for the kindness and nice wishes. I’ve had friends and even complete strangers offer me a place to stay and I’ve just been blown away by all of your kindness. It’s really helped to brighten what has been somewhat of a dark time in my existence.

Things are looking up and things are better than last week.

Thanks again for all of the nice wishes and kindness, everyone, it’s helped more than you can imagine

Monday we’re going to have a new Midwest Slice Of Life episode (luckily we filmed them in advance) so tune in for that and we’ll be back next week for another update!

Have a great weekend everyone!