The MBIP Weekly Update - February 11, 2022



This week is a good news/bad news update.


First, the good news, I’ve checked into a hotel and the insurance is paying for most of it. It’s a nice hotel, quiet and there’s a free breakfast buffet!

The room is large and I bought a Joan Jett photo book that should be arriving next week and I plan on making some Joan Jett collages in here!

The reason I don’t have any photos is the bad news. So let’s move on to that.


The bad news: My computer got doused in water after my bedroom ceiling caved in. We let it sit in my brother Tom’s basement for a week to dry out and a week ago last Friday I took it to Facet Technologies to see if they could start it up so I could transfer the files to a new computer and if that didn’t work, I asked them if they could remove the hard drive because a friend of mine thinks he might be able to pull the files out.

i figured this process might take a couple days. Then I went back to calling insurance people, getting ready to move into this hotel, talking to the building manager at my apartment complex and going to work. I didn’t have a lot of free time to be thinking about my computer.

So on Tuesday, I called Facet and was told they hadn’t looked at it, but would probably get to it soon. I called yesterday and found out they haven’t touched it and “maybe” they could get to it next week.

Maybe. MAYBE?

I have to get this shit up and running and don’t have time for “maybe.”

So yesterday, I went to Facet Technologies, picked up my computer and yelled at a manager about just sitting on my computer for almost a week without calling me or even attempting to look at it.

She apologized several times and said, “We’re like everyone else, we’re shorthanded and falling behind on everything.”

I’m so sick of this excuse from businesses and people saying that no one wants to work anymore and everyone just wants free money from the government.

Pay a decent wage, have attractive benefits like insurance and paid vacation time and people will line up to work for you.

When someone tells me that they’re short-handed and can’t find anyone to work, that tells me that they run a shitty company.

So I got my computer and took it to another place. Tune in next week to see how that played out!


I’m hoping that the blog is up and running by the beginning of March at the latest.

And once again I appreciate everyone’s kinds words and wishes of hope for me!

Oh and if you haven’t looked at our latest episode of the Midwest Slice of Life, just click here. We reviewed Tombstone pizza this week and we have fun with a Top Three list!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and we’ll see you on facecrack and Twitter!


Related Post: The MBIP Weekly Update: February 4, 2022.