Well we made it through the burger menu without me having to get my stomach pumped, so that’s something! Now on to a brand new menu, the Chicken & Sandwiches menu.
The first two we’re sampling from this menu are the McChicken Biscuit and the Chicken McGriddle. I have high hopes for the Chcken McGriddle because those of you that have been following along may remember that so far the only digestible item I’ve had so far, was the day I sampled the breakfast McGriddles.
To the drive-through we go!
This bag disturbs me because I didn’t order an Egg McMuffin. Hopefully they didn’t fuck up the McOrder!
Whew, we got the right order after all, let’s take a look under the toppings.
They don’t look too bad and they both have the same type of chicken. Okay, time to try them out.
First Bite
McChicken Biscuit: The first thing you taste is the greasy and salty biscuit. It’s like eating deep-fried salt. The chicken is pretty tasteless and rubbery and the sandwich is really dry. It’s like eating a salty desert. It’s not very good at all!
Chicken McGriddle: There’s something magical about the maple syrup infused bun they use on these McGriddle sandwiches, they make everything taste delicious! It’s the same chicken as in the biscuit but this sandwich tastes great! They should use those McGriddle buns on every sandwich! It’s McMagic I tell ya!
The McChicken Biscuit isn’t as horrible as their burgers, so I’m giving it a three bottle of Rolaids rating. It’s not the worst sandwich at Mickey D’s, but it’s not worth buying or eating either!
The Chicken McGriddle was very tasty and 100% digestible. A nice palate cleanser in this McDonald’s McMarathon!
Related Posts: MBIP Eats McDonald’s: Hamburger & Cheeseburger, The Double Cheeseburger and the McDouble, Quarter Pounder With Cheese & Bacon, The Bacon BBQ Burger & The Big Mac, The Sausage Burrito, Hash Browns & Fruit & Maple Oatmeal, Hotcakes And Sausage And The Fruit ’N Yogurt Parfait, McGriddle Family, Breakfast Biscuit Family and The McMuffin Family.
Bonus Linkage: Gallery Talk With Susanne Nestory: The Artwork of Christopher Holbrook
Artwork by Christopher Holbrook
Gallery Talk: Susanne Nestory
When: Saturday, February 15th - 2pm
Where: The Contemporary Art Center of Peoria
A special gallery talk presented by artist, curator, and BU Temporary Instructor in Residence Susanne Nestory will be held at the Contemporary Art Center of Peoria on Saturday, February 15th. Nestory's talk will focus on the exhibition Unique Impressions currently on display at the CAC. This exhibition features the artwork of her late partner Christopher Holbrook and presents Holbrook's inventive approach to the collagraph process developed during the final years of his life. Many of the works were created during a prolific artist residency at the Prairie Center of the Arts in 2015. The images flaunt his facility with multiple techniques, yielding a highly personal and layered foray into the language of abstraction.
Christopher Holbrook graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts from Bradley in 1992 and taught various art courses for the Department of Art and Design until his passing in 2018.
Check out the event page here: Gallery Talk: Susanne Nestory
The Contemporary Art Center of Peoria
305 SW Water Street