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A new exhibition recently opened up at the Peoria Riverfront Museum called Built: American Custom Car Culture. I always love checking out a new exhibition at the museum so let’s get in the car and go look at other cars!
Zoom zoom, here we go!
Here we are at the Peoria Riverfront Museum, this is such an impressive building in downtown Peoria!
Yikes, check out the sign, kind of a Spinal Tap moment there, but nice to be welcomed!
Let’s climb the stairs and go inside!
I always mention how much I love that giant globe in the lobby and here I go again…I love that giant globe in the lobby!
There’s the Built exhibition over there, let’s go check it out!
Okay, here’s the entrance let’s go in and have a look around at the Built exhibition!
This is a custom car collection but the first thing you see is a motorcycle! Kind of an appetizer for what’s to come I guess!
Wow, check out all of these custom automobiles in here! Let’s take a closer look at them.
I love the fancy paint job on this one! Very colorful!
All the hoods are up so you can check out the engines and other parts underneath.
This is a cool interactive exhibit, it shows and plays some of th car owners favorite cruising songs. “Highway to Hell” is an outstanding choice!
Here’s some more classic custom cars on display.
I love the vintage car signs lighting up the exhibit!
Even more four-wheeled classics over here!
There’s a “Gathering Galley” at the end of the exhibit.
This is a room to relax in, watch a video, play with interactive games on the wall and check out this Hot Wheels station! Very cool!
And don’t forget to check out the gift store!
The Built exhibition runs till the end of April, go and check it out, it’s quite an impressive display at the Peoria Riverfront Museum!
222 SW Washington Street
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