So yesterday, the latest Marty Monologues show seemed doomed, due to the new mitigation plans that have cancelled lots of activities here in Illinois including performing arts spaces. That killed our performance at the Westcott Room in the Owens Design Group in Chillicothe that we had planned for this Sunday.
I understood why we couldn’t do it there and when the numbers go back down and they re-open, we will be doing a socially distant show there and we’ll film the whole show and put it on the internet for your viewing pleasure!
Needless to say, I was bummed out as we’ve been rehearsing and preparing for this show for weeks prior to this. And then all theatrical pointers pointed to this magical destination:
The Bohannan Basement Stage!
My friends Amber and Joe generously said we could do the show in their basement! This was a genius idea! Amber and Joe are the DJ’s for the show and we’re going to do a live, socially distant show for one person this Sunday!
We’re going to take still photos (we still plan on doing the show at the Westcott Room in The Owens Design Group Building when the numbers go back down, so we’re not going to give a lot of it away.) This will be kind of a teaser/dress rehearsal performance.
Plus we’re going to film the ending which is a special performance featuring The Beatles song, “Paperback Writer.” We’re going to do it “Subterranean Homesick Blues” style. You’re going to just have to see it to understand. But it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Thanks so much to Amber and Joe for saving the day! They’re the best friends anyone could have in the world!
The photos and story from this unique Marty Monologues show will be up here on MBIP next Wednesday.
Stay Tuned and stay socially distant everyone! And wear a fucking mask when you go outside!
Artwork and design by Chelsie Tamms of Lettering Works.
Related Post: Marty Monologues: Cancelled Till Further Notice.
Surprise Link: Happy Anniversary, Amber and Joe!