This week I thought I’d try my hand at making a personalized Marty McNugget with a semi-sweet cheese dipping sauce, a savory slathering sauce and warm potato chips.
So let’s get cooking!
The ingredients for this week’s Marty Meal are (clockwise from left): Chicken in a Biskit, Tillamook Cheddar Cheese, Cape Cod Waffle Cut Potato Chips, Great Eggspectations, Pub Cheese, Kaukuman’s Cheese Spread, Kentucky Kernel Seasoned Flour and Natural Bare Chicken Breasts.
First things first…we’ll start the meal with a Bud Light, as always! Cheers!
Next we’ll make is the cheese dipping sauce.
In addition to the cheese I added a generous dollop of hot sauce and then to make it interesting I added some honey and the Scott Turley Funks Grove Sirup (which is spelled wrong.)
I thought a layer of sweet flavor would be nice to balance the heat from the hot sauce.
We’ll let this simmer while we prepare the rest of the meal.
I thought that instead of bread crumbs, I’d use Chicken in a Biskit crackers for the breading of the chicken nuggets.
I crushed them up in a plastic bag and then poured them into a foil pan.
Okay, here’s the stations to make the breading for the chicken nuggets.
There’s the seasoned flour, an egg wash and the crushed up Chicken in a Biskit mix.
I’ve cut the chicken breasts up into nugget sized pieces. Time to put them through the stations!
Here they are getting covered in flour, then dipped in the egg wash and lastly being covered in the Chicken in a Biskit mix.
I made six of them, put them on a baking rack and then put them in the pre-heated 425 degree oven.
They’ll cook about twenty minutes.
I’m going to warm up the Cape Cod potato chips in the oven too. Warm potato chips are definitely superior to room temperature chips!
Now I’m going to make the savory slathering sauce for the Marty McNuggets.
I’ve got a lot of sauces here in the MBIP refrigerator. I chose Lawry’s Teriyaki Sauce, Ott’s Original Wing Sauce and Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce to mix together for the savory sauce.
Then I slathered the chicken nuggets and now it’s time to plate this week’s Marty Meal!
We’ll start off with the warm potato chips and dip them into the semi-sweet cheese sauce.
The cheese sauce is so tasty! It’s cheesy with a hint of sweetness balancing out the heat from the hot sauce.
It turned out just the way I wanted it to. I love it when things work out like this!
Now on to the main course, the Saucy Marty McNuggets!
Wow, the savory sauce and the semi-sweet cheese sauce taste great together! The chicken is juicy and the Chicken in a Biskit mixture give it a nice crunch! They’re delicious!
I forgot to get dessert, so we’ll have another Bud Light to wash this Marty McNugget meal down.
And now for this week’s titillating photo montage…Women In Cooking Aprons!
Okay, time to do the dishes, see you all tomorrow!
Related Posts: Thursday Minute Marty Meals: Cheese Stroganoff, Pigs in a Pie and Buffalo Cheesy Chicken Mini Michelle Pot Pies.