Hey! Where have I been? I ask myself that every morning right after I unhappily open my eyes, realize I’m still here and then make my morning noise. (It’s a hangover sound that’s not really too pleasant at all.) Anyhoo, tomorrow MBIP is coming back! The hamster is getting back on the wheel. I’m really excited and I”m hoping that there’s still an audience out there for this and if so I am beyond grateful for all of you that follow and read this blog and I want to thank you so much if you’re still out there. We had a really fun party last night and thanks to everyone who came out to join in on the festivities. That’s going to be tomorrow’s post. But here’s a sneaky peeky from that aforementioned post. The whole thing will be up tomorrow complete with captions, consonants, vowel movements and a comma or three. Maybe even four. Okay, I'm guessing there's going to be at least five, but that's all I'm going to give away. Sneeze you all tomorrow! Whoops-a-doozy, here we go again!