Okay, as I noted in yesterday’s brief post, my internet isn’t working at my apartment. They seem to think my ethernet went bad and a technician is coming out tomorrow to hopefully fix it. Thanks to all of you who suggested different places for free wi-fi around town here and on facecrack, yesterday. I’m at one of those locations right now, but the thing about having no internet at home is I have to do the post on my laptop and it takes me about ten times longer than when I post from my computer at home. Basically my laptop has an older operating system and it doesn’t work well with Squarespace, the host for my blog. It crashes constantly, sometimes photos get corrupt, it takes forever to load the photos, sometimes I can’t bold the type and it goes on and on. And on. And on.
So today will be a short, but meaningul post and hopefully Comcast can fix the problem and I’ll be back to regular posting tomorrow.
Tina, Tim and a crew of their grandkids at Emack & Bolio's.
You’ve all seen my friend, Tim Hennessey on here, he’s the co-owner of Emack & Bolio’s and we’ve been friends forever. Tim has a great family and they’ve always made me feel like part of their clan. Tim’s wife Tina has put up with my hijinks for years (surprise party anyone?) and their kids, Amy, Michael, Erin, Katie and Brian are really cool and fun people and I’ve always felt like I’m their kooky and bafoonish uncle.
The children of the corn...I mean the children of Tim and Tina: (From left) Erin, Michael, Katie, Brian and Amy.
Yesterday was a big day in the Hennessey household; Brian, Tim and Tina’s youngest son got married to Courtney O'Neill! I’m Brian’s Godfather, so I took the night off work to attend my Godson’s wedding. Like I said, I’m not going to put up a ton of photos, it takes too long and I didn’t want to bug people at the wedding, so I just took a few and here they are.
Brian and Courtney got married in Glen Oak Park, check out the crowd! That sure is a lot of family and friends!
Here they are walking down the aisle. Holy moley, check out the ass on the bridesmaid! Hubba, hubba!
It got really claustrophobic in the crowd, so my friends Moon and Chris and I decided to go back to my apartment and have a beer or two and then go to the reception. Like an idiot, I forgot to take my camera to the reception which was held at Three Sister's Park in Chillicothe, a great place for wedding receptions and parties. (You can buy me a beer later for that free plug, Chris.)
Luckily, my friend Maureen Kipfer volunteered to take a couple pictures with her phone for me. Here's Brian and Courtney at the reception posing for photos. What a great looking couple!
And here's a shot of the Godfather, Brian the Godson and the Goddaughter-in-law, Courtney.
It was a great wedding and a wonderful reception.
Cheers, congratulations and much love and happiness to Brian and Courtney Hennessey!
Bonus Video—The Who In Peoria In 1968
MBIP pal and commenter, Dr. BOP, sent in this classic video of the Who smashing their instruments at the Opera House in Expo Gardens back in 1968! Great find, Dr. BOP, I know some of the MBIP readers and contributor’s were at that show. Enjoy!