A couple of months ago, I submitted a piece of art I had drawn back in 1980 (before I started writing, I used to draw pictures as a creative outlet) for their yearly local art display for 2025 in Peoria’s City Hall. After I submitted my art, my friend and frequent MBIP guest star, Amber told me that she had submitted one of her water color paintings for consideration as well.
A few weeks ago, both of us were thrilled when our submissions got picked by The Pubic Arts Advisory Commission to be part of this year’s local art display in Peoria’s City Hall.
The display has been hung in City Hall and all of the participating artists got invited to have their photos taken with Peoria’s Mayor, Mayor Rita Ali.
Amber and I were scheduled to have our photos taken on the same day, so let’s go downtown to Peoria’s City Hall!
Here we are at Peoria’s City Hall in downtown Peoria, let’s go in and see what’s happening inside.
There’s Amber inside of City Hall and we walked up the stairs to room 207, where the artwork is on display for the entire year of 2025.
The public is welcome to come and enjoy this exhibit out.
As we walked in, we were greeted by Blake, who’s going to be taking the official City Hall photos and he directed us to where our artwork was hng and on display.
Our artwork is featured on this wall over here and there’s Amber’s watercolor painting and my pastel drawing of The Blues Brothers.
You can read Amber’s artist statement and see her artwork on Peoria’s City Hall website by clicking here.
Click here to see my artist statement on the website.
Here’s Mayor Rita Ali posing with me in front of my artwork. It’s always great to see the Mayor and I appreciate her taking the time to pose for photos with Amber and myself.
I brought Blues Brothers sunglasses and here’s myself and the Mayor doing two poses with the shades. We decided to smile for the top one and take a more somber, Blues Brothers style for the bottom.
Thanks to Mayor Ali for being a good sport and playing along by putting on the Blues Brothers shades!
There’s Amber posing in front of her art with Mayor Ali.
Amber said she was thankful that her artwork was chosen and happy that it reflects her pride in Peoria!
Here’s our friend, Stacy Peterson who’s the City Hall’s Strategic Communication’s Manager and she was in charge of hanging the entire art display in the room. She did a fabulous job with it and it’s always fun to hang out with Stacy!
There’s Stacy posing with Amber in front of Amber’s painting.
Official Peoria City Hall Photos By Blake
Here’s the official Peoria City Hall photos taken by Blake! Wonderful work on the photos, Blake and thanks for taking the time to take them!
Here’s a few other pieces of art and photography on display in Peoria’s City Hall.
From the top:
Japanese Bridge After a Snowstorm by Steven Marx.
Chopsticks by Natalie Jackson.
Family Stuff-Colleen Johnson by Qingjun Huang.
The River Station by Sherri Burritt.
The Palace Theatre by Robert Parrett.
To see all of the local artwork and photography from the 2025 display, click on this link.
And last but certainly not least, here’s a watercolor portrait of Peoria’s Mayor Rita Ali by local artist, Kenton Clubb.
You can see the art and Kenton’s artist statement by clicking here.
All of this art is on display at Peoria City Hall in room 207 and the public is welcome to come and enjoy it in person!
Related Post: Proclamation Day From Mayor Rita Ali & Stacy Peterson.